Leather & Lace: Complete Outfit
Includes bodysuit with choker, armbands, bracers, stockings with garters, and boots.
Bodysuit: 3092 Faces | 6184 Tris
Armbands & Bracers: 4852 Faces | 9544 Tris
Stockings & Garters: 3078 Faces | 6156 Tris
Boots: 10354 Faces | 20488 Tris
Full set on one armature - UV mapped & textured together - 4 materials [leather, lace, metal & accent (heel bottoms)]
3 different lace patterns (see second image), created as an alpha mask so the lace can be any color you choose.
*Created/rigged on Pandaabear's female base
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This asset was made 100% from scratch by me and is protected under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). You may not redistribute unless on a completed model.